Flinn Scholars

Tchaikovsky the right way

Esther Cardona(’00) was one of the five professional dancers–along with about a hundred kiddies and other amateurs, plus presents, gussied-up trees, etc.–on stage last month for maestro Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker at the Fox Theater in Redwood City, CA. Esther’s also instructing for the Spotlight Arts Academy of Dance and Music on the other side of the […]

On Education

Legal swashbuckler Daisy Flores (’89) serves as the County Attorney for Gila County; a couple of years back, she was named by the Payson Roundup one of the “Top 10 People of Influence” in the Rim Country, and these days she supplements her daily duties with service on the Arizona Supreme Court Disciplinary Commission and […]

Nick T. Spark is everywhere

NPR had our fave multimedia documentarian, Nick T. Spark (’88 ) on Morning Edition a couple of weeks ago to discuss the sinking of the USS Panay, an American ship attacked by the Japanese in China in 1937. The good folks at NPR have provided pictures and a story, and a link to the seven-minute […]

End-of-2007 Superlatives

Considering that 2008 has already begun for the farthest-flung Scholars and alums, we’d better hurry up with some year-end awards. Let’s get right to it: Most Likely to Catch You if You Start Spilling Trade Secrets: Keith Schon (’92). Keith is a senior software engineer for Cataphora, which conducts investigations on very large data sets, […]

What to do with an interdisciplinary degree

A couple of weeks ago, we were talking with some undergrads who were grumbling about being forced to think about the future and pick majors and file for graduation… as freshmen. Ah, the plight of over-educated 18 year-olds. It got us thinking of the herculean battle Pete Ranger (’91) waged against the ASU registrar’s office […]

What’s the score, Kenneth?

If you’re like us, your cell phone is still recharging, after almost burning out completely Thursday from all the text messages announcing Texas touchdowns in the Holiday Bowl. We really have no idea how Robb Modica (’92) keeps track of everything. Robb, already a veteran collegiate athletics administrator, is part of the design/hosting/management team at […]

Dept. of Scary New Vocab

Anna Thanukos (’93) has a newish article in the new journal Evolution: Education and Outreach, where she dishes on “host-switching,” a frightening term we didn’t know; it sounds like part of the Wikipedia entry on zombie movies. Not so, of course: host-switching is how HIV and SARS evolved from bothering chimps and bats to bothering […]

Meanwhile, back at The Farm

We don’t want to imply that other classes of Scholars are slacking, but there’s no denying: That Class of 1997 has it going on. While Jason Baer (’87) was asking in forlorn tones what happened to the mega-reunions of Scholars that he remembered from Holidays Past, Kimberlly Chhor (’97) was plunging ahead, hatching a Facebook-powered […]


Sarah Trainor (’07) has a new site to drum up requests for her digital single-lens reflex expertise. Getting hitched? Riding an escalator? Trying on sunglasses? Whatever it is, looks like Sarah’s your ticket to photographically preserve the moment.

“It’s a good gig, kid.”

Monti’s La Casa Vieja in Tempe is perhaps best known as Arizona’s best replica of the actual, original Labyrinth from Greek mythology (you know, with the irritated minotaur, a piece of string, etc…). Despite the twisting corridors, it’s also a pretty good place to have dinner, especially if you’re hanging out with some of the […]
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