
The Flinn Foundation and its staff embrace five values to complement its mission “to improve the quality of life in Arizona to benefit future generations.” Staff themselves identified these values, which reflect and guide the work, ethics, and character of the Foundation.

The Foundation aspires for these values to be evident to all who interact with the organization in some capacity, whether as a colleague, grantee, Flinn Scholar, Flinn-Brown Fellow, program participant, conference-center visitor, or individual simply interested in shaping Arizona’s future for the better.

Please see the Foundation’s statement on diversity, equity, and inclusion.

The five Flinn Foundation values are:


We practice straight talk and believe in truth over harmony, within our team and across the community. We acknowledge failure without excuses in order to learn. In respectful communication, we address the relevant party with transparent intentions.


We embrace our identity as stewards of Irene and Robert Flinn’s legacy and vision. We ground our words and actions in integrity and assumption of good faith. We defend others when they are absent, don’t gossip, and refuse to stir the pot.


We interrogate the status quo in processes and programs and seize mission-driven opportunities. We employ design thinking and rigorously experiment and evaluate, prizing improved quality and increased productivity. We collaborate across programs and strengths and engage in regular reflection to ensure a learning environment.


We treat our constituents as customers. We listen to their needs, champion their goals, and co-create with them. We welcome the challenge of empathizing with disparate audiences: colleagues, grantees and program participants, and the people of Arizona.


We find satisfaction in challenge and hard work—but we don’t take ourselves too seriously. We feel healthier and happier and perform best when we are having fun. We support each other when we fall short and celebrate each other’s successes.