Modern physician training fueled by $300,000 grant to TGen

February 1, 2010

By hammersmith

[Source: TGen] – The philanthropic arm of Life Technologies has announced $5 million in doctor-training grants, including $300,000 for the Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen).

The Life Technologies Foundation anticipates the grant will accelerate the education of doctors in the field of molecular medicine, enabling them to better understand the wealth of genomic laboratory discoveries and how those findings might translate into improved treatments for their patients.

TGen, a non-profit biomedical research institute, will use the Life Technologies’ funding for two fellowships in genomic and molecular medicine, focusing on the treatment of rare cancers.

The fellowships will be under the direction of Dr. Daniel Von Hoff, TGen’s Physician-In-Chief and Chief Scientific Officer for TGen Clinical Research Services at Scottsdale Healthcare (TCRS), that provides a direct clinical research site for treating patients with rare tumors. TCRS enables molecular and genomic discoveries made by TGen and others around the world to reach the patient bedside as quickly as possible at the Virginia G. Piper Cancer Center at Scottsdale Healthcare.

For more information: Modern physician training fueled by $300,000 grant to TGen