Arizona Bioscience News: COVID-19 in Arizona

May 28, 2020

By Matt Ellsworth

A new saliva-based COVID-19 test to identify an active infection, developed by Arizona State University Biodesign Institute researchers, will provide an alternative to the nasal swab test. A University of Arizona researcher identified four compounds that can block the replication of the virus within a cell that may help develop drugs to treat the disease. Hospitals are using new treatments to save the lives of COVID-19 patients as health care workers face uncertainty going forward. And donations continue, from global corporations to cultural centers.

ASU develops new saliva-based COVID-19 test as alternative to nasal swabs / Arizona Republic

UA researcher identifies 4 compounds that can halt coronavirus in cells / Arizona Daily Star

Weekly update on the science of COVID-19: Forecasting the future / KNAU

Phoenix doctor using investigational nitric oxide COVID-19 treatment / ABC 15

Banner Health invests in firm that gained attention as domestic PPE manufacturer / ABC 15

Bayer in Marana donates face shields to Pima County Health Department / Arizona Daily Star

A ventilator wasn’t enough to treat him for COVID-19. This machine became his last chance for survival /

After COVID-19, expect more masks, virtual medicine and worry in Arizona hospitals / Arizona Republic

Health care workers: Isolation, uncertainty and a risk for burnout during COVID-19 crisis / Arizona Republic

Maricopa County hospitals seeing nearly 3 times more COVID-19 cases than Pima County /

In remote Tuba City, COVID-19 plays out differently for Navajo and Hopi people / Arizona Republic

Arizona Irish Center ships donations to Navajo Nation, gets help from National Guard / 12 News

Across Arizona, building a brighter future to emerge from pandemic / Arizona Republic  

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