Fellows Spotlight

Brittney Kaufmann
(Phoenix, 2013)
Chief Executive Officer
Health System Alliance of Arizona
1. Can you please describe your work and how public policy impacts how you manage your organization?
I serve as CEO of the Health System Alliance of Arizona. The Health System Alliance of Arizona represents the largest health systems and employers across Arizona, including Abrazo Health, Banner Health, Carondelet Health, Dignity Health, HonorHealth, and Northern Arizona Healthcare. Collectively, we represent approximately 80% of hospital-related care in the state in over 40 cities/towns, with nearly 600 facilities and over 80,000 employees statewide. We serve over 60% of the state’s Medicaid population.
The Health System Alliance of Arizona is an advocacy organization that represents large, integrated hospital and health systems across Arizona in working to advance sound public policies to expand access to quality healthcare in Arizona. Public policy, including regulatory policies, directly impacts the patients our hospital health systems serve, Arizona’s health and wellbeing, as well as our business operations.
2. Do you have a favorite quote that is meaningful to you?
“Life gives you plenty of time to do whatever you want to do if you stay in the present moment.” — Deepak Chopra
I struggle with staying present—and keeping my mind from wandering about thinking about all the things I have on my plate and feeling like there is never enough time in the day. Over the last several years, I have tried to find ways to slow down, stay present, and appreciate the moment. I feel it has helped me tremendously in relieving stress and appreciating the small things in life, but it does not come easily to me.
3. Is there a book you would recommend to the Fellows?
Role Reversal: How to Take Care of Yourself and Your Aging Parents by Iris Waichler
Eight years ago, when pregnant with my first child, my father-in-law became blind. We had to move him from the East Coast out to Arizona and serve as his primary caregivers. The unexpected shift of caring for a parent was difficult—particularly as we started our own small family. This book was helpful in overcoming how overwhelming the challenge of caring for a parent is. Particularly when that parent is struggling with their change in health and circumstance. I recommend this book to anyone who is currently or expect to help care for an aging parent.
4. How has the Fellows Network been useful to you?
The Fellows Network is extremely valuable as there are true leaders in various fields located throughout the state. Numerous times I’ve reached out through the network to ask for help/resources or make mutually beneficial connections. A lot of Flinn-Brown folks also run for office and that has been helpful in forming relationships—particularly at the legislature.
View all Flinn-Brown Fellow profiles here.