Cancer center gets $5M

February 4, 2010

By hammersmith

[Source: Arizona Daily Wildcat] – Three UA professors were appointed to breast cancer chairs at the Arizona Cancer Center after Fenton L. Maynard estate provided the center with $5 million.

The three appointees are Drs. Arthur Gmitro, Bernard Futscher and Alison Stopeck.

Futscher is the co-director of both the Genomics Shared Service and Cancer Biology & Genetics Program at the Arizona Cancer Center as well as a UA professor of pharmacology and toxicology.

Stopeck is the director of the Clinical Breast Cancer Program and is an associate professor of medicine at the UA.

The money the chairs receive comes from the interest off of the endowment, which equates to about $40,000 per year according to Gmitro, co-director of the Cancer Imaging Program and UA radiology and optical sciences professor.

For more information: Cancer center gets $5M