Arizona’s 10 smartest bioscience investments
11/13/2012 | Arizona Republic | Joanna Allhands (Opinion)
It only took a few years for bioscience to morph from a cottage industry to a key part of Arizona’s economy–a growth that didn’t occur by accident.
Alzheimer’s precursors evident in brain at early age
11/12/2012 | New York Times | Pam Belluck
Scientists studying Alzheimer’s disease are increasingly finding clues that the brain begins to deteriorate years before a person shows symptoms of dementia.
Cancer drug fares well in trial
11/12/2012 | Arizona Republic | Ken Alltucker
A new drug combination tested by local scientists helped improve the lifespan of patients with late-stage pancreatic cancer, according to Celgene Corp., which sponsored the study of 861 patients.
To grow Ariz., grow innovation
11/12/2012 | Arizona Republic | Sara Dial (Opinion)
Creative, out-of-the-box ideas, implemented by forward-thinking Arizonans, are evident throughout our history. Consider the creation of the Central Arizona Project, Arizona’s charter schools system, the Translational Genomics Research Institute, Science Foundation Arizona, the Flinn Foundation’s statewide Bioscience Roadmap and Local First Arizona.
Tech achievements honored at innovation celebration
11/09/2012 | Phoenix Business Journal | Patrick O’Grady
The 2012 Governor’s Celebration of Innovation Awards featured winners from the solar, biotechnology, mobile and health care industries.
Arizona State University scientists engineer bacterial vaccine delivery system
11/07/2012 | Vaccine News Daily
Arizona State University scientists have successfully engineered a strain of Salmonella bacteria capable of acting as a delivery system for vaccine antigens.