Arizona’s Bioscience Roadmap recommends five goals, 17 strategies, and 77 potential actions to realize its mission of Arizona becoming globally competitive and a national leader in select areas of the biosciences by 2025. The goals and strategies provide direction for the Roadmap, while the actions represent the steps Arizona could take to accomplish its goals.

Goal 1: Entrepreneurial Hub
Form a hub of bioscience entrepreneurs and new enterprises across Arizona
Strategies and Actions
Goal 2: Research into Practice
Increase the ability of research-performing institutions to turn bench research results into improved disease/illness prevention, detection, and treatment, plus bio-agriculture and industrial biotechnology products
Strategies and Actions
Goal 3: Bio-Talent
Make Arizona a bio-talent powerhouse where such talent is developed, educated, trained, and retained
Strategies and Actions
Goal 4: Connectivity
Promote Arizona to economic partners in neighboring states, Canada, and Mexico as a place where bioscience research, health care delivery, and commercialization seamlessly intersect
Strategies and Actions
Goal 5: Collaboration
Pioneer a new level of commitment to partnerships to sustain and enhance the state’s “collaborative gene” reputation
Strategies and Actions