Legislature ends session, passes tax breaks, reverses cuts to public benefits / Arizona Capitol Times
The Arizona Legislature approved providing another $10 million in state income-tax credits for “angel” investors who put money into qualified small businesses, including bioscience startups.
Tucson Tech: University of Arizona startup advances living heart patch / Arizona Daily Star
Avery Therapeutics, a startup company founded on technology developed by University of Arizona researchers, recently licensed a new heart-graft technology from UA and is working to get it into human clinical trials to treat heart failure.
VisionGate raises $20M to target early stage lung cancer / Phoenix Business Journal
VisionGate Inc. of Phoenix has raised $20 million, including an investment from Trinnovate Ventures, a subsidiary of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona, to accelerate clinical-trial programs for its non-invasive diagnostic test targeting early-stage lung cancer, and Iloprost, a chemoprevention drug.
Banner Health and Mayo researchers target Parkinson’s disease / AZ Big Media
Researchers at Banner Sun Health Research Institute and Mayo Clinic are continuing to study how to diagnose early Parkinson’s disease, which currently is without a diagnostic test.
Arizona budget will raise teacher pay and give universities access to capital / Phoenix Business Journal
A $9.8 billion state budget approved by the Arizona Legislature gives the state’s three public universities the authority to issue up to $1 billion in bonding for research-and-development and deferred-maintenance construction projects beginning in the 2019 budget year.
Paradigm hopes registry data will support utility for cancer testing beyond DNA / GenomeWeb
Phoenix-based Paradigm Diagnostics opened a new registry study in which it will collect data on the health and outcomes of patients tested using its comprehensive multi-omics test.