The Flinn Foundation’s mission is to improve the quality of life in Arizona to benefit future generations. To achieve this mission, the Foundation aims to: advance Arizona’s bioscience sector; enhance undergraduate education for high-achieving students at the state’s public universities; elevate the fiscal and creative capacity of the state’s arts and culture organizations; and strengthen civic life and state-level civic leadership in Arizona.
The Foundation supports the expression and discussion of ideas, policies, and opinions and encourages everyone to be informed citizens and engage in their communities, especially in Arizona. The Foundation is a non-partisan 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charitable organization that is subject to federal, state, and local laws and regulations regarding political and other non-charitable activities, such as campaign activities, electioneering, and lobbying.
While individuals in the Foundation community, including program participants, fellows, alumni, vendors, sponsors, employees, or other Foundation agents have the right to express their political opinions and engage in political activities, it is very important that they do so only in their individual capacities and avoid even the appearance that they are speaking or acting for the Foundation. The reference in Foundation materials to individuals that are candidates for or actual elected officials, including in recognizing Foundation program alumni, does not imply endorsement by the Foundation.
The Foundation expressly disavows any partisan opinions or activities that are not made in accordance with these provisions: such opinions and activities are not authorized and may not be attributed to the Foundation.