Rep. Joanne Osborne encourages Fellows to be part of your community

April 23, 2021

By Matt Ellsworth

Dawn Wallace

Joanne Osborne
Arizona House of Representatives
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1.  What suggestions would you have for Fellows interested in running for office?

Get out and be part of your community! Lend a helping hand, go to council and school-board meetings. Listen to what people are concerned about and never believe that you do not have the talent, education, or means to not make a difference—you certainly can. It also would help to take a class on giving speeches and speaking with the public.

2. Tell us about the bills you are sponsoring this year and how it impacts your constituents?

I hope this is the year that a bill I have carried for the third time finally will be funded—the Heritage Fund! The bill would provide $10 million for our parks, trails, and historic places. I also have been successful with my military, spouses, veterans Occupational License Fee Waiver, a broadband bill for $100 million, a few health-related bills and, hopefully, I will see my marijuana bill get across the finish line. I am disappointed that my vape bill stalled in the Senate and another year goes by that we do not regulate vape and keep it away from our youth.

3. How has the Fellows Network been useful to you?

When I was part of the third cohort, I was on the Goodyear City Council. The statewide information, topics, and government was so wonderful to hear and learn about. Plus, listening to different perspectives was interesting and helpful as I engage as a leader and look for those common ground items. The Network of Fellows has opened up a world of engaged, intelligent, and diverse peoples. When I made the choice to run for the Legislature, it was our Network that helped me open the doors to Yuma. I did not really know anyone there, but had met one of our Fellows a few times and felt comfortable to reach out to him. I spent a day with all the people he had set up appointments for me to meet!

If you missed a Fellows’ Spotlight, you can view them on the Arizona Center for Civic Leadership website now.