Arizona Science Center hosts Content, Standards, and Inquiry for 3rd/4th grade teachers

September 1, 2006

By hammersmith

The purpose of this professional development course is to help you teach to the new science standards. You will gain content knowledge, participate in inquiry-based science activities, and learn how to modify lessons to reflect inquiry pedagogy. Separate grade-level content presentations will be made when necessary. The educator orientation will provide you with an in-depth introduction to the Center, and strategies and materials to help maximize your next fieldtrip. Participants earn 30 hours of professional development. Graduate credit is available for an additional fee, and course work. This course will be held at the Arizona Science Center.

  • Dates: Wednesdays from 9/13 to 11/15, 2006 (10 class meetings + a teacher orientation)
  • Times: 5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
  • Cost: $185
  • Register by calling 602-716-2028