Arizona Bioscience News: COVID-19 in Arizona

March 25, 2021

By Matt Ellsworth

As vaccine slots open to all adults, Gov. Doug Ducey lifts COVID-19 restrictions and prohibits local mask mandates in most instances. While new cases remain low, the more contagious B.1.1.7 variant, first spotted in the U.K., is now present in about a third of test samples analyzed by the Arizona State University Biodesign Institute.  A TGen researcher contributes to a study that provides likely reasons why older people, males, and smokers have been affected more severely by COVID-19.

Gov. Doug Ducey lifts all remaining COVID-19 restrictions on Arizona businesses and events / Arizona Republic

Gov. Doug Ducey lifts Arizona COVID mandates, including local mask rules / KTAR

Virus variant continues exponential growth in Arizona / KJZZ

The COVID-19 pandemic is waning, but the new coronavirus is unlikely to go away / Arizona Republic

Arizona Bioindustry Association discusses the safety of COVID-19 vaccines / ABC 15

‘The one way I can protect them’: Parents enroll kids in early COVID-19 vaccine trials / Arizona Republic

Gone in 20 minutes: Arizona’s first batch of COVID-19 vaccine slots taken after opening to all 16 and up / Arizona Republic

Arizona plans to move COVID-19 vaccinations indoors as weather warms up / Arizona Republic

Mayo Clinic forecast aims to predict COVID-19 hot spots / KJZZ

NAU Study: COVID-19 hit predominantly Black, Hispanic nursing homes harder / KJZZ

Study helps explain why COVID-19 hits some people harder / KJZZ

Arizona universities seeing very low COVID cases after nearly a year of high numbers /

COVID-19 cases in Arizona hit lowest level since April 2020 / AZ Big Media

eVisit CEO Bret Larsen talks explosive growth of telehealth company / Phoenix Business Journal

Bret Larsen co-founded Mesa telehealth platform eVisit in 2014 and has grown the company exponentially since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

How Arizona’s healthcare industry serves as key economic driver / AZ Big Media

Arizona’s healthcare industry has proven to be an important business sector across the state, not only for patient care but also for increased economic development, according to leading economists and industry advocates.

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